Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment

Common Questions
How will my child benefit from having a dental screening?
Dental problems can cause pain and make it difficult for children to pay attention in school, prevent them from eating and sleeping well, and can even affect their ability to speak and socialize. All of this can affect a child’s ability to learn and do well in school. Children benefit from having a dental screening to check for any dental problems that need to be fixed so that they are ready to learn.
Where can I get the screening done?
Local health departments provide the screenings before the start of kindergarten at places like preschools, school registration events, community events and in schools during the kindergarten school year. Check with your child’s school to find out when the health department will be screening at the school or call your local health department to check their schedule. There is no cost to you if the screening is done by the local health department. Or, you can take your child to your family dentist to have the screening done there.
Do my older children need a dental screening, too?
The dental screening requirement is only for kindergarteners, but it is recommended that all children see a dentist at least once a year.
What if I don’t have a dentist or I can’t afford one?
The local health department can provide you with a list of dental providers in your area. Check the Michigan Oral Health Directory for a list of low- and no-cost dental providers by county: If your child does not have dental insurance, they may be eligible for the Michigan Healthy Kids Dental Program:
Facts about KOHA
It’s easy to get your child screened
Local health departments provide the screenings (oral health assessments) before the start of kindergarten at places like preschools, school registration events, community events and in schools during the kindergarten school year. Check with your school or the local health department for a schedule.
The screening is free
There is no cost to you if the local health department does the screening. Check with the school to find out when the health department will be at the school, or call the health department to check when and where they will be screening.
A dental screening is simple and fast
A dental professional will look into your child’s mouth and note what they see on the screening form. No treatment is done. It’s simply a quick look in the mouth. They will let you know if your child needs to see a dentist.
Help is available
The local health department can help you find a dentist if you don’t have one. Your child may be able to enroll in the Michigan Healthy Kids Dental Program if they don’t have insurance. For information about Healthy Kids Dental, visit
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